HOS Natterfrost

Deuxième édition de la gazette
Bonne lecture à tous.

  • On 22-04-2024 15:10:57, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Natterfrost [xPx]

    Weapons 230% - Shields 220% - Armour 230%


    Deathstar 12.002


    Defender Newt

    Weapons 210% - Shields 210% - Armour 190%


    Large Cargo 255

    Recycler 21

    Solar Satellite 3.000

    Crawler 928

    Rocket Launcher 502.500

    Light Laser 179.030

    Heavy Laser 111.304

    Gauss Cannon 12.380

    Ion Cannon 22.510

    Plasma Turret 20.776

    Small Shield Dome 1

    Large Shield Dome 1


    After the battle ...

    Attacker Natterfrost [xPx]


    Deathstar 12.002 ( -0 )


    Defender Newt




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    355.418.212 metal, 113.045.022 crystal and 103.738.449 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.

    The defender lost a total of 5.608.210.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 1.798.000 metal and 4.756.000 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 572.201.683 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 357.216.212

    Crystal: 117.801.022

    Deuterium: 103.738.449

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 578.755.683 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -3.699.393.212

    Crystal: -1.726.770.022

    Deuterium: -754.248.449

    The defender(s) lost a total of 6.180.411.683 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 5.0.0-beta

    [OFF] => U12, U19, U50, U8 Danois, Eridannus, Cosmos , Uriel, Pasiphae, Xanthippe, Cetus

    [ON] => Mathilde & Vela

    Burne un jour, Burne toujours d:;)

  • On 12-06-2024 05:17:14, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Natterfrost [xPx]

    Weapons 230% - Shields 230% - Armour 230%


    Destroyer 500.000


    Defender Sovereign Helix [SWL]

    Weapons 180% - Shields 170% - Armour 190%


    Large Cargo 7.000

    Light Fighter 25.000

    Cruiser 12.500

    Battleship 6.250

    Recycler 750

    Espionage Probe 25.000

    Destroyer 250

    Deathstar 25

    Battlecruiser 3.125

    Reaper 250

    Pathfinder 250


    After the battle ...

    Attacker Natterfrost [xPx]


    Destroyer 499.737 ( -263 )


    Defender Sovereign Helix [SWL]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    40.923.961 metal, 174.215 crystal and 60.455.730 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 32.875.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 1.554.625.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 464.265.000 metal and 272.950.000 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 101.553.906 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 489.408.961

    Crystal: 259.974.215

    Deuterium: 56.510.730

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 805.893.906 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -953.673.961

    Crystal: -532.924.215

    Deuterium: -169.580.730

    The defender(s) lost a total of 1.656.178.906 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 5.0.0-beta

    [OFF] => U12, U19, U50, U8 Danois, Eridannus, Cosmos , Uriel, Pasiphae, Xanthippe, Cetus

    [ON] => Mathilde & Vela

    Burne un jour, Burne toujours d:;)