AntiGameReborn - the rebirth of AntiGame

Concours création logo OGame sur Noël
A vos pinceaux 🎨.

Changement partie: Suggestions
On compte sur votre participation.

  • Hello friends of good taste,

    First of all I want to apologize that I'm posting in English, but unfortunately my French is not good enough to write all of this in French. I will include a Google translated version though.

    I am RiV- and I worked in the AGO team in the past, lately I decided to release my own version of AGO based on the work of Francolino and later the AGO Team. After some legal dispute about the ownership with Shole my version was re-tolerated and released with a small name change: AntiGameReborn.

    My version includes a lot of bugfixes and also some new features and a lot of new features are planned as well:

    [Feature] Merchant button is highlighted if there is a new item in Import/Export
    [Feature] Redirection after sending a fleet can be changed to "movement" (AGR Menu -> Fleets)
    [Feature] x10 button in shipyard and defense
    [planned] Redirection after sending a fleet can be individually set for every routine; when attacking from the spy table it would redirect back to messages for example
    [planned] Add profiles for settings; let users import settings from other universes
    [planned] Polishing of the highscore: buttons scroll "with you" and a click on a player shows rankings and points of the player in other areas including rough fleet size

    And a lot more with your ideas!

    Before you install AntiGameReborn make sure you backup your settings in your old AGO version and delete all other AGO versions, since the installation of AntiGameReborn doesn't overwrite other AGO versions!

    Download AntiGameReborn for Chrome / Opera
    Download AntiGameReborn for Firefox

    For installation in Opera install the addon "Install Chrome Extensions" first, then install AGR from the Chrome web store.

    Visit us on the official AntiGameReborn Discord where you can ask questions, report bugs or make suggestions for changes or new features. If you have problems with AGR, this is the place where you'll get quick support. Also you'll be the first to get the newest updates and test new Beta versions before they are released to Final version.

    Link to the Discord:

  • Hello ici !

    Depuis quelques jours, il n'est plus possible de respy depuis le tableau récapitulatif des RE, nous sommes obligés de scroller sur les RE déployés en dessous pour respy.

    De plus, il a été constaté des différences notables (d'1h d'après mes sources) dans l'heure indiquée en haut a droite de la page et il semblerait que cela se résolve en désactivant AGO (l'un ou l'autre d'ailleurs).

  • Hello Callia,

    Quand tu dis "nous", c'est un problème constaté par plusieurs personnes ?
    De mon côté, aucun problème pour espionner depuis le tableau récapitulatif.
    De même pour les heures, aucun problème constaté chez moi.
    En scripts, j'utilise AGO Reborn, infocompte et topraider (+ un petit script pour changer les ` en ' parce que ça m'énerve :D)

  • Oui, nous sommes au moins 2 pour le respy

    Idem pour les heures, ils sont 2 et ce n'est pas récurent apparemment, parfois les 2 heures affichées correspondent

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Callia ().

  • The bug with not being able to probe from the spy table is because of a bug in Chrome 71. If you didn't update yet or if you're using Firefox, you won't have any problems. But I just deployed a new version that has a workaround for this bug.

    Also, if you could post in English in here, that would be really great, otherwise I have to use Google Translate and might not understand everything. Anyway here is the changelog for the new version(s):

    Changelog 6.8.3:
    [Polishing] Started unminifying code
    [Feature] Added base frame for native TrashSim support
    [Polishing] Removed non-functional Scripts button/fair play policy/version check completely
    [Bugfix] Wrong calculation of max. buildable units (affecting x10 button)
    [Feature/Bugfix] Correct calculation of jump gate cooldowns with level higher than 1
    [Feature] Ability to scroll through planets/moons with Ctrl + Arrow keys
    [Bugfix] Temporary workaround for Chrome 71 bug
    [Feature] Added 30/40/50% to "Send more ships" option
    [Bugfix] Removed non-functional Chatbar options

    [Bugfix] Firefox didn't get along with the workaround for Chrome bug
    [Bugfix] AGR broke when using a jumpgate if AGR didn't have the jumpgate levels yet

    The post was edited 1 time, last by RiV- ().

  • Le mec ne parle pas français et fait un effort de venir ici malgré tout pour avoir des retours et aider les personnes qui en ont besoin.
    Un minimum d'effort en retour ne devrait pas te tuer, si ? Ou t'es trop hautain pour t'abaisser à écrire en anglais ?

  • Salut la compagnie
    Merci à @RiV- pour le boulot de reprise, et bon courage

    Je viens d'installer AGR, et hormis le bug de sondage depuis les RE, j'ai autre chose qui me chatouille les yeux sous le nom de ma planète:

    Les points pour marquer l'unité 1000 sont absents (1.000 au lieu de 1000, etc...)
    Et les ressources classiques Métal Cristal Deutérium sont remplacées par de mystérieux L091 L092 L093
    Soit c'est un soucis de paramétrage, soit je n'ai pas cherché au bon endroit

    Quelqu'un pour éclairer mes lumières ?
    Merci !

    EDITt : les loots sont vides dans le tableur RE

    [spoiler=translation suggestion]Hi there !

    Thanks to RiV for the recovery work, and good luck

    I just installed AGR, and excepted the bug from the SR, I have something else that makes my eyes cry, just under the name of my planet:

    The points to mark factor 1000 are missing (1.000 instead of 1000, etc...)

    And the classic Metal Cristal Deuterium resources are replaced by mysterious L091 L092 L093

    Either it's a configuration issue, or I didn't look in the right place to set this up

    Can anyone help me please ?
    Thanks !


    Quantum [OFF] | Zagadra [OFF] | Quasar [OFF]

    Lacerta [ON] | Rasalas [ON]

    The post was edited 4 times, last by Nikopol ().

  • Version is now available:

    [Localization] Some French localization
    [Bugfix] CSS fixes in galaxy
    [Polishing] Disable Ctrl + arrow keys shortcut in text fields
    [Polishing] Added option to disable Ctrl + arrow keys shortcut
    [Bugfix] Collect routine breaks after relocation
    [Bugfix] Data gets corrupted if there are buildings in queue in empire view
    [Feature] Buddies and alliance members are shown in share report overlay
    [Bugfix] Lanx range in donutSystem universes
    [Feature] AGRBox top left icon cycles through coords

  • Bonjour,

    J' aimerai savoir comment en utilisant le lien vers TrashSim arriver directement sur la page en francais de TrashSim ?


    Xanthus / Eridanus
    23 / 68 / Vega / Xanthus / Octans
    Andromeda / 10 / Izar / Tucana

    The post was edited 1 time, last by cedonime ().